If you have found this site because you have recently lost a child, first of all we'd like to say we're so, so sorry you are here, but welcome you just the same. This "babyloss" community is a community no one wants or should ever have to join, but its members are some of the kindest, selfless, most amazing women you will ever have the chance to cross paths with.
We hope that seeing the faces and reading the stories of others who have been where you are brings you a tiny bit of peace as you begin this journey. Please know you are not alone.
At the end of many of the stories here, contact information is listed for the writer; please feel free to reach out to these women. They are here to help.
About Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope:
My first child, a little girl named Stevie Joy, was stillborn on May 8th, 2010, when I was 26 weeks pregnant. My perfect pregnancy, my perfect life, came crashing down around me in an instant the moment I heard those shocking little words: "there is no heartbeat."
Of all the feelings I experienced after my daughter died, loneliness was by far the hardest. I felt completely and utterly alone. I felt like some sort of freak of nature. This sort of thing doesn't happen to healthy, normal people like me, I thought.
But I was wrong. After spending hours and hours scouring the internet for other stories like mine, I realized pregnancy loss is more common than I ever thought, and that it does not discriminate. It affects women of all ages, of all races, of all walks of life. It's not just something that happens to "other people," it can happen to anyone. I realized there were so many other nice, normal people like me who had gone through the death of a child. And they were surviving. That realization gave me hope. If they could do it, maybe, just maybe I could survive this too.
There are hundreds of women bravely and openly sharing their stories of miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss on personal blogs, all over the world, and others who are looking for a way to share their stories with others. Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope is a place for us to come together and share our stories and our faces with others who may be looking for reassurance that they are not alone. My hope is that Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope becomes a place for new members of this "babyloss club" to come and read hundreds of other stories, and see hundreds of other faces like theirs, all in one place.
It is also my hope that Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope brings awareness to the issue of pregnancy/infant loss. I hope that by telling the world we are not afraid to show our faces and tell our stories, barriers will be broken down. Taboos will be broken, and lines of communication will be opened.
Please see the "submit your story" tab to become a part of the movement.
Love and peace,
Meet the Faces Team:
Kristin Cook
Contact: Kristin@facesofloss.com
Website: Dear Stevie...
Andrea Morton
Contact: Andrea@facesofloss.com
Website: i wish you love
Sarah Kunz
Creative and Technical Guru
Contact: sarah@facesofloss.com
Website: Red Bumble Bee
Angela Rodman
Content Editor
Contact: angela@facesofloss.com
Website: Little Bird
Courtney Peek
Resource Coordinator
Contact: Courtney@facesofloss.com
Dana Newton
Gallery of Faces/Calendar
Contact: dana@facesofloss.com
Website: In Memory of Jacob
Cara Richards
Blog Directory
Contact: cara@facesofloss.com
Website: Hello Goodbye
Franchesca Cox/Small Bird Studio
Blog Design
Contact: smallbirdstudio@gmail.com
Website: www.smallbirdstudio.blogspot.
Angie Bailey
Face2Face Friendship Groups Coordinator
Contact: f2f.orangecounty@yahoo.com
Website: Expectations Revised
Amy Girard
Promotions Advocate
Contact: amy@facesofloss.com
Stephanie Dyer
Stories of HOPE
Contact: stephanie@facesofloss.com
Websites: Carried Through Grief
Beyond Words Designs
Debbie Dillon
Story Submissions
Contact: story@facesofloss.com