Mom to Baby #1, miscarried at 5 weeks on June 13th, 2010
and Baby #2, miscarried at 5 weeks on July 16th, 2010
Vancouver, WA
We have been trying to have another child for almost a year now. I was so excited when I saw that second line on the pregnancy test - finally! A week later, I began spotting but thought nothing of it, this happened with my first pregnancy with no complications. The next day, we were about to share the news with my family, and I went to the bathroom to find out that I was bleeding. I knew right away that I was having a miscarriage. The cramping and bleeding got worse, and when I got to the doctor's office the ultrasound did not show a sac. My hcg level was a 4 - barely anything. I felt completely drained for the next couple of weeks, my hormones were all over the place and I had horrible migraines. I was devastated, and scared that something was wrong with me. My husband didn't say much, except that he was sad.
The next time I got a positive pregnancy test, a month later, I was in disbelief. I felt the pain of my previous miscarriage start to fade away, as I was hopeful that this baby would be the baby I would get to take home. Exactly a week later, I started bleeding again, and knew that I was having a second early miscarriage.
To me it didn't matter that my losses were early, they were still a deep, and significant loss. The loss of a sibling for my son, the completion of our family, and a dream. I don't know what the future holds for our family, but I have to be hopeful that one day I will be blessed with another healthy baby.
Hi Haley
I'm very sorry for your losses, of course it doesn't matter that they were early, they were your pregnancies, your babies, your hopes and dreams and it is devastating when they are shattered no matter how far along.
Thinking of you
I am sorry for your losses. I had three miscarriages, one of them was at 5 weeks and it was so very hard. I hope all of your dreams come true.
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