Sunday, October 10, 2010

Early Miscarriage
Norman, Oklahoma

When we found out we were pregnant with out little angel, my hubby and I were young and newly married. I was 18 and he was 24. We had only been married for 4 months. Total shock ran over us when we got those two pink lines.

We only got 3 days of happiness and then our world came crashing down. I knew something was wrong that Sunday, when I woke up and I had unbearable cramps. Hubby was at work and I called him and told him something was wrong. I told him I was going to wait it out a little bit and see if I started bleeding.
A few hours later the bleeding started and my mom took me to the hospital. At the hospital I was in so much pain (mentally and physically). I just wanted my husband to be there and to hold me.(He was stuck at work). I was taken back to a room and checked. They told me that I was in process of miscarrying and that there wasn't anything they could do. They sent me home and told me to take some Tylenol.
It took me a little over a week to pass my baby. It was the worst week of my life. It was filled with pain, sorrow, sleeping, and crying. That is all I could manage.
For those who are new on this journey, I want to tell you to communicate with your spouses. It is a major part in healing.
All in all though, I think it has brought us a lot closer together and closer to God. It has also made our marriage stronger (even if it almost tore us apart first).

You can contact Ivy at


Holly said...

I'm sorry the hospital didn't give you more support, Ivy! (((hug)))

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